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    What is Assisted Living?

    http://www.seniorcarehomes.com – What is Assisted Living?
    Assisted Living facilities and assisted living communities are non-medical facilities for seniors that are licensed to provide care, supervision and non-medical assistance to seniors.
    Assisted Living is right for seniors who do not have any serious medical condition and want to live independently for as long as possible. Seniors in assisted living are provided assistance with Activities of Daily Living such as eating, bathing, toileting, grooming and minor house chores.
    This type of senior housing vary in size from small residential care homes to large assisted living communities.
    Who Needs Assisted Living?
    Assisted living is for seniors who are alert, independent and do not require medical assistance 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
    Assisted Living facilities and communities offer a variety of activities and programs for seniors to help them stay physically and socially active, which helps seniors maintain a healthy lifestyle.
    What Type of Services Do Assisted Living Facilities Provide?
    1. Meal Service (3 full meals and snacks)
    2. Personal Care Assistance
    3. Housekeeping
    4. Transportation
    5. Social Activities
    6. Basic Medical Services
    What Is The Cost of Assisted LIving?
    The cost of assisted living in the U.S is $3348 per month. The monthly fee varies depending on location, care needs and size of the assisted living community.
    How Do You Pay For Assisted Living?
    The payment options include:
    1. Private Funds
    2. Long-Term Care Insurance,
    3. VA Aid and Attendance for eligible Veterans – For more information visit: http://www.seniorcarehomes.com/senior-housing/va-aid-and-attendance-for-assisted-living.html
    4. Medicaid – Generally, Medicaid does not pay for Assisted Living but the Medicaid policy varies per state. Contact your local Medicaid office to check for benefits and eligibility.
    Who Regulates Assisted Living Facilities?
    The Department of Social Services regulates all Assisted Living facilities. State officials inspect assisted living communities to ensure quality standards are met.
    What are the differences between Assisted Living and Nursing Homes?
    Assisted Living facilities are non-medical facilities that are suited for alert, independent and/or active seniors who do not have any serious medical condition that requires nursing assistance. On the other hand, Nursing homes are skilled nursing facilities that provide nursing assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a weeks to seniors with serious medical conditions.
    Where Can I Find Assisted Living?
    You can call SeniorCareHomes.com at 877-523-6523 for Free Assisted Living options based on your Care Needs, Budget and Location.
    For more information, visit http://www.seniorcarehomes.com/assisted-living/ or you can contact one of our senior care experts for FREE and Friendly Assisted Living Care options.
    Website: http://www.seniorcarehomes.com
    Toll Free: 877-523-6523
    The post What is Assisted Living? appeared first on Home Living Aid.